Friday, July 30, 2010


July, 22, 2010: Schulers Books and Music makes its home in a large, airy mall store. The event planner, Whitney, breezes up from the back of the building wearing a simple black dress with a blonde dreadlock wound up in an attractive coil on the back of her neck. Her arms are draped in, what at first glance seems to be a colorful sheer fabric, but are actually artful tattoos. Whitney is smiling, self assured, all business. “Would I like something to drink? Your book has sold well. There is a group in the back waiting for you.”

Fifteen people are lined up in three rows patiently waiting for me to speak, some drinking wine. Whitney describes coming events. These authors are well published, most having won awards, several with bestselling novels. I am humbled to be included in her list of authors.

Whitney introduces me, “….First novel…. self published.” She has mentored a group of bright, accomplished readers, among them, attorneys, librarians, a nun and a physician’s assistant. They are attentive, encouraging me with their eyes and smiles. They want to know what I, the novice author, have to say.

I speak, answer questions, and we have a delightful discussion. After, there is a line for me to sign novels.

I am grateful. Thanks Schulers! Thanks Whitney!

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