Friday, June 18, 2010


Jeff Yeager, author of “The Cheapskate Next Door,” intrigues “cheapskates” and cyclists alike. At fifty-two he biked eighty miles from Ohio to Ann Arbor, arriving at Borders in worn shorts with bike in tow. Ann Arbor was his first stop on a speaking, signing, bike tour.

During his last book tour he biked three thousand miles. He also bunked with cheapskates and camped. The money he saved his publisher was donated to libraries. Generosity is included in his definition of, shall I say it again? Cheapskate.

Jeff advocates that living debt free is stress free. My husband Murray and I live within our means, and I wondered if we fit the cheapskate category. One of the criteria is that you have at least one crock pot. We have two, but a really frugal person has three.

Jeff bikes into a signing and dispenses useful information laced with humorous stories about his travels and the people he meets. He has a terrific marketing plan.

I need such a plan.

SCHEDULED EVENTS: Horizon Books in Cadillac, Saturday June 17th, 12:30-2:30pm—Horizon Books in Traverse City, 3:30-5:30pm. Shuler Books in Lansing on Thursday July 22nd, 7:00-9:00pm. My home state Nebraska, August 9th, 15th.

No bike, roller blades or ice skates, but I will fly over the whole of Nebraska, light in Denver and drive two-hundred miles back to Nebraska.


    Hi, we would love if you joined our group.

  2. We're looking forward to seeing you in York, NE on Aug. 13th! Sue Curran, newsletter edittor for Friends of Kilgore Memorial Library
